
2160 Skokie Valley Rd,
Highland Park, Illinois 60035

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Mon – Fri: 7:00AM – 4:00PM
Sat: 7:00AM – 12:00PM



Quality Landscaping Starts with Quality Materials

Hardwood Mulch

Double Ground Hardwood Mulch

Cedar Mulch

Certified Playground Mulch

Pine Bark Mulch

Mulching is the best thing you can do for your plants. The benefits to the natural and healthy growth of your plants and contributions to your soil are more beneficial than any harsh weed control products. If you have not used mulch before then we highly recommend it. By mulching, you can moderate the temperature of your soil. A fresh layer of mulch will help against the germination of weeds, which will reduce the need for weed controls. In dry weather moisture will be retained which will result in the need for less watering. Mulch is an insulation barrier helping to protect against the extreme conditions of both the summer and winter. Mulching is attractive and can add to the naturally beautiful look of any landscape. It comes in a variety of colors, types and varieties. Contact Menoni & Mocogni to get your mulch supplies today.

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